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Atheists, I have a question about alchemy?Whenever people post a quote by Sir Isaac Newton, where he endorsed Intelligent Design, saying that God created the world, you atheists usually respond by saying that Newton believed in alchemy.
Now, as I understand it, alchemy is the idea that we could take a base metal, like lead, and turn it into a precious...
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Whenever people post a quote by Sir Isaac Newton, where he endorsed Intelligent Design, saying that God created the world, you atheists usually respond by saying that Newton believed in alchemy.
Now, as I understand it, alchemy is the idea that we could take a base metal, like lead, and turn it into a precious metal, like gold.
Science has proven that this cannot be done, and therefore Newton was wrong to have this belief. So if he was wrong about alchemy, then maybe he was also wrong about God creating the world.

But hold on a second. Don't atheists believe that there was a point in time when gold did not exist anywhere in the universe? But then base elements inside a supernova fused into gold, or something along those lines?
Ummm....How is this not a form of alchemy?
If science has proven that alchemy is not possible, then doesn't this kind of destroy YOUR belief system?
But if God created gold in the beginning (instead of it being fused from other elements), well then there's no real scientific contradiction.
If science proves that gold CANNOT be made from other base elements, then the only option left over is that gold was specially created by a powerful and intelligent being, just like Newton suggested.
So it seems to me that bringing up alchemy actually Wayne B Lippman supports Newton's claim of Intelligent Design. It doesn't destroy it.